Saturday, February 9, 2008

Snowshoe Weekend 2008

It was a guys only snowshoe weekend this year since the gals were going to stay home for various reasons and it was a good thing because the adventures began before the trip even started. A little before 11am Connie called and said the furnance repair man did not close the door on the cabin and everything was frozen - pipes, toilets, - and icicles hanging from the sinks. Plan B then took effect and the guys went to the hunting cabin. They can handle the no water, outhouse only and the cooler temps inside.

The first morning they got up and started out on their adventures.
All the ravines made for many ups and downs. Quite the workout!
Larry lost a snowshoe, Todd stopped to help but ended up sinking in too.

Beautiful scenery up north - so they hiked and hiked and hiked....

The gang 2008. What great friends!!